
NMIT’s Applied Business programmes offer well-recognised, practical and relevant business qualifications at all levels in Business, Marketing, Management and Accounting.
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Designed to give you the practical skills that employers are looking for, NMIT programmes will empower you whether you want to get your foot on the first rung of the career ladder or want to power up your skillset and take a leap forward. 

Our teaching staff has extensive industry experience, combined with excellent academic backgrounds and strong links with the professions, while our qualifications have a strong practical and applied focus. They are passionate about teaching and enjoy working with students of all ages and from different cultures.  

Many staff members are actively engaged in research providing valuable outputs and, importantly, keeping them up-to-date and growing their experience in their specialty field. 

"I love NMIT, it's so easy to connect with the tutors and touch base to make sure I'm on the right track."
- Gillian Harris, Bachelor of Commerce 

We are proud of the achievements of our students and our graduates. We know that our programmes will challenge you, but that you will feel supported by us and excited about your future once you decide to study with us. 

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